Crafting healthy, beautiful smiles.

Celebrating healthy, beautiful smiles: expert dental care for lasting oral wellness and radiant aesthetics.

Services We Offer

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We have a solution for every smile


Dr. Franklyn Aguebor

Dr. Franklyn Aguebor, also known as Dr. A, was born in Benin City, Nigeria, but raised primarily in Atlanta, Georgia before moving to New York. He has dedicated the past 10 years of his career to dentistry; from his undergraduate studies in biological sciences, dental school, and formal training in residency to practicing as a board-certified dentist in Atlanta, Georgia, and now, New York City. He says it has been the best years of his life. “Becoming a Dentist has truly been one of my greatest accomplishments because I can change people’s lives by giving them the perfect smile they’ve always wanted.” Before opening this office, he worked in private practice offices in Atlanta, Georgia, and New York City.

What Our Patients Say